Green tea or a lot known as the Green Tea comes from the leaves of tea (Camellia Sinensis) that had at least oxidation. Anti-oxidants was contained in green tea is Thearubigns, Epicathecins and catechins which serves to maintain the beauty of skin from the effects of free radicals. In addition, polyphenols and caffeine content is very good for to overcome obesity because it will induce thermogenesis and stimulates the oxidation of fat.
Apart from that extremely beneficial polyphenol content, green tea also contains epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), Carotenoids. Tocopherol, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), various kinds of minerals such as Chromium, Manganese and Selenium / Zinc and many other phytochemical components that serves to regulate the balance of the body's metabolism and maintain cardiovascular health.
Some say that beauty tips to keep skin beauty, it is advisable to drink green tea at least once a day mixed with honey and lemon juice. This is very useful to maintain skin smoothness and prevent cancer by blocking the collection of skin cells is excessive.
In addition to maintaining skin care, green tea is also good for your diet and loses weight. It is recommended to drink green tea regularly day and night before bed. On the packaging of certain products, green tea has been blended with teak leaves the Netherlands. Both components are synergistic-ally able to prevent fat deposits and reduce levels of fat in the body.
Green tea is also able to relieve stress and emotion in a completely chaotic state. Drink green tea while you are in a situation that makes you depressed. Green tea is now available in handy packs of bottles and boxes that can be taken anywhere.
Although stated many benefits you also must guard against the adverse effects thereof when taken continuously. According to the latest research and has published in the Journal of Nutrition in October 2010 the consumption of green tea also give adverse effects to health and human bone growth. (What Girl Needs)
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